Tuesday, October 31, 2006

OCD - journal

So there is one main thing that I am OCD about. When I walk home in the afternoon there is this one pedestrian traffic light that I have to click seven times. If I don't click it seven times I have a spazz attack. Not really but I don't even know why I press it seven times. Oh, and there is one other thing that I am OCD about. I'll sound really freakish but, I'm kind of OCD about my sheets. I think I got that habit from my mom. But it really bugs me if I have friends over and they sit on my bed. I mean they sit there as long as the covers are pulled up. Otherwise I just find it really gross to have their nasty clothes that have been all over school and where ever else all over my sheets. There isn't really anything else that I get really pet-peeved about. Just my sheets and that stupid pedestrian button.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I am doing a research paper on Audrey Hepburn.
I think my thesis statment will be: Audrey Hepburn is an iconic figure in our society.
(But I might end up changing it.)


1. I will give a breif history of Audrey Hepburn's life.
2. Then I will talk about the movies she starred in.
3. Then I will talk about how she has influenced young girls and talk about how she is cool.
4. Then I will sum everything up.

This link is a short biography.

"Enchantment: The Life of Audrey Hepburn"

Thursday, October 19, 2006


How am I handicapped?

So, I think my eyes are my main handicap. Because, basically my eyes suck. Well not both of my eyes, but my left eye. It can't really see that much and it is a loser. I remember one time when I was in band at Renfroe, I had to share music with someone. But I couldn't read it because I had to look out of my left eye and it just didn't work out. But anyways... how else am i handicapped? Umm, I am really aful at making decisions. That makes me hadicapped because in my everyday life I make really uniportant decisions that don't even matter into a big deal. Like all kinds of stuff. I'm sure I'm a lot more hanicapped than those two things but I can't really think of much else. Umm... I can't draw at all. Which really handicapps me when we have to do pictionary. It's pretty much unfortunate. I don't look at this as a handicapp, but some might say that since my family is so screwy I might be handicapped just in a way where I am screwed up more than I am. But I personally don't think I'm screwed up. What else is there? I'm sure if I asked some one they could like name off a list with all of the things wrong with me. But I can't think of anything else that I feel like writing about. So that's pretty much it for now.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


A to Z autobiography

I like apples. I will hopefully get my braces off soon. I have a really fat cat. My dad is cool. I don't really like eggs. One time I fractured my wrist. I have had glasses most of my life. I am sometimes afraid of heights. My favorite kind of ice cream is probably mint chocolate chip. I like to jump rope (just because I couldn't think of anything else for J). My middle name starts with a K. I love my family. I need to earn some money so I can go on the band trip to Germany. One time I found a nickel in my pocket. I am one of the oldest people in our grade. I like to be around people. Quaker oatmeal is kind of gross. I use the word rejected too much. I like to shop. Thunderstorms are my favorite. I am VERY undecisive. I have to vacuum my house sometimes. I walk alot because I can't drive. I don't know how to play a xylaphone. I

Monday, October 02, 2006

I don't know what I think happens when you die. I mean basically the life leaves you..right? The body you once were in is no longer a person. It has no personality and character. It is simply an object. You are just dead. But that doesn't mean that I think our souls are dead too. So, what do I want to be done with my body when I die? I think I want to be cremated. I don't really know why. But I don't want to rot in the ground. My grandma was cremated. And I remember her brother (who is a doctor) wanted to keep some of the ashes out before we burried them. So now I have some of my grandma's ashes in a chest in our house. I know that sounds like we're freaks, but we're not. I don't really know what I think about souls. I hope our souls go somewhere. Becuase otherwise that is really depressing if when you die, you are just dead. I don't know if I believe in heaven, but I hope there is some kind of after life. I think the image that is portrayed of heaven is a hoax. I mean, as a little kid, I always thought I would die and go live up in some marshmellow clouds and a unicorn. I also used to wish I could die so that I would know what it felt like. But then I would want to come right back to life. Last year, I had Mr. Z as a language art teacher. He actually died for like 2 minutes when he was 16. His heart totally stopped. But then he came back to life. I mean, I don't really want to go through all of that but I would be really curious to know what it's like. What happens to your soul when you die is a total mystery. But anyways...yea that's what I think. But I don't really know what I think.