Sunday, March 04, 2007

Class Work During Romeo and Juliet Unit

reading the play
listening to the play
watching the movie
taking quizzes
learning about rhyme schemes
learning new literature terms (i.e. iambic pentameter, allusion, solilique, etc.)
learning shakespearean language
deciphering R and J in lamon's terms
learning about William Shakespeare
learned how to cite lines from plays

During this unit, I enjoyed listening to the play the most. This is because it was a faster pace, and it was helpful to hear the voice inflections. I also enjoyed watching the movie. Although, it did get boring at times, because it was pretty much verbatum what we were reading. My two least favorite parts about the Romeo and Juliet unit were 1) taking the quizzes (this is because I can't retain some of the more detailed content you would ask us about), and 2) the literature terms (even though these are necessary to know, I struggled with them). But other than that, I enjoyed this unit.



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